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  • Writer's pictureWill Nalley

Goodbye 2018, hello 2019!

As we wrap up another year, it's easy to forget how fast time goes!

This year has been the most epic for music for total amount of shows played (~65) - that's a busy schedule juggling a second job!

The year has been packed with Duo, Trio, and as of late, more solo shows!

As has always been my goal, I'm trying to perform more shows locally. In this capacity my solo show shines and is perfect for the small venue in a controlled environment - not too loud, but just loud enough :)

We're never sitting on our heels - already the WILL SCOTT DUO have eight gigs on the books! As a solo performer I've already added seven dates to my calendar!!!

I'm always reflecting on the music I (we make) and how it keeps people engaged and coming back to see music as it was intended to be -- LIVE!! I'm ever humbled by music lovers everywhere we play.

Without you, we wouldn't be continually learning new songs, and honing our skills.

Every single long day of working, followed by hours of driving, and going to bed in the wee hours of morning have been worth every second!

I'm thankful as we head toward the new year!

Health and happiness to you all!

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